Archive for March, 2025
Gradle: Print Bytecode Version of all class files
by admin on Mar.01, 2025, under News
The following code snippet contains logic to print the Java Bytecode Version for all class files.
task analyzeBytecode { doLast { // Iterate over all subprojects subprojects.each { subproject -> def runtimeClasspath = subproject.configurations.findByName('runtimeClasspath') if (runtimeClasspath) { runtimeClasspath.each { file -> println "Analyzing: ${} in ${}" try { def jarFile = new java.util.jar.JarFile(file) jarFile.entries().asIterator().each { entry -> if (".class")) { def inputStream = jarFile.getInputStream(entry) def magicAndVersion = new byte[8] def majorVersion = magicAndVersion[7] & 0xFF println "Class: ${}, Bytecode version: ${majorVersion}" } } } catch (Exception e) { println "Failed to analyze ${}: ${e.message}" } } } else { println "No runtimeClasspath found for ${}" } } } }