Linux (Ubuntu)
Ubuntu: Extract rar-archives
by admin on May.22, 2010, under Linux (Ubuntu)
If you need to extract rar files in Linux, you have to download and install unrar from You can accomplish that by making use of the following methods:
Method 1: Automated Installation
Enter the following command into the terminal:
apt-get install unrar
Method 2: Manual Installation
cd /tmp
$ wget
$ tar -zxvf rarlinux-3.9.3.tar.gz
$ cd rar
$ ./unrar
cp rar unrar /bin
After you installed it, you can use it like that:
Extract archive:
$ unrar e The.Wind.That.Shakes.the.Barley.part1.rar
Extract archive with full directory paths:
$ unrar x file.rar
List archive:
$ unrar l file.rar
Test archive:
$ unrar t file.rar