Linux (Ubuntu)
virsh: Rename a KVM Guest (script)
by admin on Sep.18, 2012, under Linux (Ubuntu)
Renaming a guest via virsh seems to be kinda messy but I found a solution for my problem.
Note: Make sure to replace vps01 and vps01-backup
First of all you need to dump/export the xml configuration of your KVM guest to name_of_vm.xml:
virsh dumpxml vps01 > name_of_vm.xml
Secondly you have to undefine/remove the xml configuration of this guest with virsh:
virsh undefine vps01
Thirdly use this command to replace vps01 with vps01-backup in this file
sed -i 's/<name>vps01<\/name>/<name>vps01-backup<\/name>/g' name_of_vm.xml
Then use virsh to re-define the VM using its new name:
virsh define name_of_vm.xml
Now you can remove the temporary xml dump:
rm name_of_vm.xml