FASM: Play MOD files
by admin on Sep.19, 2011, under Programming
Example of how to read and play a mod-file in flat assembler.
This example requires you to download the library bassmod.dll as well as the sample XM-file fff-90kb.daydreams.XM in order to work properly.
Keep in mind this library supports playing multiple audio formats such as mod, xm (xmod) and more.
format PE GUI 4.0 entry start include '' ;================== code ===================== section '.code' code readable executable ;============================================= proc start invoke BASS_Init, -1, 44100, 0, 0, NULL ; Initialize the BassMOD DLL invoke BASS_Load, 0, filename, 0, 0, 514 ; Load our mod file (*.mod, *.xm, ...) invoke BASS_Play ; Play it invoke MessageBox,0,message,caption,MB_OK ; Display a MessageBox while the song is playing invoke BASS_Stop ; After the user clicked OK, stop playing the file invoke BASS_Free ; Free the library invoke ExitProcess,0 ; Exit the application endp ;=================== data ==================== section '.data' data readable writeable ;============================================= flags dd ? caption db 'Hello BassMOD |',0 message db 'Click OK to exit the application.',0 filename db 'fff-90kb.daydreams.XM',0 ;============================================= section '.idata' import data readable ;============================================= library kernel32,'KERNEL32.DLL',\ user32,'USER32.DLL',\ bassmod,'bassmod.dll' import kernel32,\ ExitProcess,'ExitProcess' import user32,\ MessageBox,'MessageBoxA' import bassmod,\ BASS_Init,'BASSMOD_Init',\ BASS_Load,'BASSMOD_MusicLoad',\ BASS_Free,'BASSMOD_Free',\ BASS_Play,'BASSMOD_MusicPlay',\ BASS_Stop,'BASSMOD_MusicStop'