FASM: Hello World (ELF)
by admin on Sep.23, 2011, under Programming
This example code shows how to write a simple Linux Hello World application in flat assembler. The example code uses system calls in order to print text, therefore no additional libraries are being used. All system calls are parameterized using the CPU registers and executed with the interrupt: int 0x80
format ELF executable 3 entry start ;================== code ===================== segment readable executable ;============================================= start: mov eax,4 ; System call 'write' mov ebx,1 ; 'stdout' mov ecx,msg ; Address of message mov edx,msg_size ; Length of message int 0x80 ; All system calls are done via this interrupt mov eax,1 ; System call 'exit' xor ebx,ebx ; Exitcode: 0 ('xor ebx,ebx' saves time; 'mov ebx, 0' would be slower) int 0x80 ;================== data ===================== segment readable writeable ;============================================= msg db 'Hello world!',0xA msg_size = $-msg
As you may have noticed, writing a simple Hello World program in FASM isn’t hard at all.