FASM: Hello World (Windows/Console)
by admin on Oct.13, 2011, under Programming
This example code demonstrates how to write a simple Windows (console) Hello World application in flat assembler. The example code uses the C library in order to print text.
format PE console entry start include '' ;====================================== section '.data' data readable writeable ;====================================== hello_newline db "Hello World!",10,0 hello_no_newline db "Hello World! (without a new line)",0 ;======================================= section '.code' code readable executable ;======================================= start: ccall [printf],hello_newline ; Print 'Hello World!' and start a new line. ccall [printf],hello_no_newline ; Print 'Hello World!' without starting a new line. ccall [getchar] ; I added this line to exit the application AFTER the user pressed any key. stdcall [ExitProcess],0 ; Exit the application ;==================================== section '.idata' import data readable ;==================================== library kernel,'kernel32.dll',\ msvcrt,'msvcrt.dll' import kernel,\ ExitProcess,'ExitProcess' import msvcrt,\ printf,'printf',\ getchar,'_fgetchar'